Take Time for your Ticker
It is only appropriate that the month that holds the holiday of love is also the month for American Heart Health. Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in America. Did you know that 1 out of every three adults has some form of heart disease. Here is some information to help decrease your risks.
Heart Healthy Tips:
· Take time to see your doctor. Knowing where your heart health stands is the first step to taking action either to help prevent damage in the first place or control problems from getting worse.
· Cut the cholesterol down, but not out. Your body needs cholesterol to function, but not a lot. Shoot for 200 mg max daily. Dietary sources of cholesterol include: eggs, meat, dairy, and shellfish.
· Fill your plate with fiber. Fiber helps lower your cholesterol and can also help fill you up, which may help you lose weight. Fill your plate up at meals with fruits, veggies, and whole grains and you will have no problem getting the 25-35 recommended grams daily.
· Move it! Aim for 30 minutes of activity daily. New studies show strength training is just as important as cardio for heart health because it strengthens your muscles, including your heart. Both help lower blood pressure as well. Exercise also helps increase your HDL or "good" cholesterol. Check in with a Wellness Coach today for a routine that fits your goals and schedule.
· Speaking of HDL…Eat more fatty fish and nuts. Tuna, salmon, and mackerel are great sources. Walnuts, pistachios, almonds, cashews, and flaxseeds are also a great snack to enjoy. You will absorb more omega-3 Fatty Acids from food than supplements.
· Get some sleep. Too little sleep causes stress, which puts your heart at risk. Aim for 8 hours a night.
· Relax and revive. Take time for deep breathing, relaxation, meditation, or yoga.Exercises like these help regulate your heart rate and blood pressure. Check our group ex schedules to find a time that will work for you.
· Use your heart! Spending time with the ones you love helps relieve stress and may help you live longer. Always have a small support system that you can count on when you need them.
Be well,